When RYDA began in 2001 it was a Rotary District (9680) project known as Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA). By 2004 the originating Rotary District recognised that the project should be expanded beyond greater Sydney and that a professional educational body would need to be established to develop and maintain evidence led, best practice education. This would require funding from multiple sources.
This new organisation (a public company), now named Road Safety Education Limited, (RSE) was established in 2004, with Rotary transferring the program to RSE, which continues to work hand in hand with Rotary as the community partner. Although RSE took ownership of the program, including its content, design and distribution, the name RYDA was retained as it had earned significant brand respect.
The program name also underwent change from Rotary Youth Driver Awareness to simply, RYDA, in response to the directive from Rotary International (USA headquarters) for RSE to not use Rotary in any part of the program (or company) name. Although RYDA was no longer an official Rotary project and was now managed by RSE rather than Rotary, this did not affect the partnership with Rotary Clubs, and individual Club’s involvement in RYDA recognised through local promotion as either: